Another reader comment

I can’t believe you didn’t smell it you were loosing that much propane!

But I did smell it, and when I called Dassels Petroleum about it I was told that this was normal when the tank got low and was nothing to worry about. I assumed they were an honest company and knew what they were talking about so I took their word for it.

2 Responses to “Another reader comment”

  1. cheshire572 says:

    I too have had problems with Dassel. They come every three weeks in the winter & charge over 300.00 at a time. They don’t tell show how much was in the tank, it starts at 0 everytime. I find that decieving. I called to work it out but got no where. Later the owner said I could make payments. They still try to come every three weeks but I catch them & stop them. Last time I needed it they put me off for 4 days, so we had none. The guy on the phone told me, “well it’s not our fault your late” Like I did it on purpose. Now I paid over half of it last month & they are harrassing me. I would switch but I didn’t have the tank installed, my landlord did. I find them to be very unprofessional and heartless, I owe less than 170 bucks & they are harrassing me. I’ve NEVER used propane this fast. I used to have it last 3 to 5 months, now apparently 3 weeks in the winter & 3 months in the summer. If I ever need propane again, it will NOT be with Dassel

  2. admin says:

    Thank you for leaving your comment. We need to be vocal about these problems or companies like Dassels will continue to treat their customers like this. Dassels Petroleum needs to learn that their customers are their business and if they won’t treat them right their customers will put them out of business.

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